
Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)
Thailand Printed Circuit Association (THPCA) are leading a delegation of Thai SMEs on a visit to the KCE factory.

Today marks a significant
It was an honor to host H.E. Mr. Remco Van Wijngaarden, Ambassador and Mr. Jeroen Boonzaaijer,

Grateful to have hosted
the Thai Enterprise Development Division team from BOI at KCE factory on Thursday, January 25th, 2024,

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Our Vision
Carry Out Market Research
Market Structure Mapping, Product & Technology Mapping to Support Development Direction of PCB Industry in Thailand.
Establishing Appropriate Human Resources Development Strategy
Execute Development
of Necessary Infrastructure
to Achieved the
Set Outcome.
Establish Technology Group
to Understand Inquiry to Carry out Strategic R&D Activities in Collaboration of Industry or Cluster Group, Research Group and Protentially Government Agencies.
To Establish and Carry Out Cooperate
and Share Promotion of the Thailand PCB Industry to the Global Market Through Participation of Seminar, Exhibition, Trade Fair and International Study Visits.
To Carry Out Relationship Building
and Networking Amongst the Members and International Associates Enhancing Close Collaboration with Honestry. Integrity and Long Term Partnership in Mind.
Our Vision
To Participate in Development of Thailand PCB Industry
People Knowledge and Skill Development
Technology Advancement as Strategic Positioning in the Global Electroniv Device Supply Chain Through
Establishment of String Local Supply Chain